5 Body Spaces

A five body space is a space that nurtures each of your five bodies.

  • Your physical body gets the possibility of moving beyond his every day limitations, stretching further, sweating more, using more power and coming deeper into rest.
  • Your intellectual body has the possibility of focussing and getting distracted without being judged for it. There will even be a part of your attention at all times on this body seeing it.
  • Your emotional body will create emotions and feelings as you have never experienced before when you come close to your edge of physical capability. And it is ok for you to feel. The space holds your tears, laughter, roars and screams in full power. This is a space in which the new thoughtmap of feelings is alive.
  • Your energetic body will become experience-able because the exercises are designed to open the flow of electrical energy in your system. It will flow wave-like through your body.
  • Your archetypal body will be nurtured by being allowed in the space because you are not alone with experiencing extraordinary: Colors are more alive, your whole system acts more quiet and alive at the same time, you are closer to everybody around while being more with you, you can listen deeper and talk slower. You will notice nature with love filled curiousity and see values and bright principles in foreigners on the street after the space.

And this is a space to share about your experience without being judged or rescued. You are good the way you are.
This is a space for asking dangerous questions about your experience you have never dared to ask before.
This is a space fueling your evolution from exactly where you are.

5 Body Spaces exist on- and offline. Send me a message and we find the easiest way for you to enter such a space.